Lateral Epicondyle Release (Tennis Elbow)
- Pain on the lateral aspect of the elbow
- Microtears in part of the extensor origin (ECRB) fail to heal
- Pain is felt on the lateral aspect of the elbow
- Exacerbated by wrist extension
- Pinpoint tenderness just distal to lateral epicondyle
- Ultrasound can show microtears
Non-Surgical – Physiotherapy
- Counterforce Bracing
- Injection – Steroid/Blood
Surgical – GA
- 4cm incision over the lateral epicondyle
- Debridement of abnormal tissue (ECRB)
- Freshen bone
- Closure
Potential Complications
- Wound infections, stiffness , residual pain
Post Op Care
- Bulky bandage 2/52
- Removal of sutures at two weeks
- Physiotherapy, stretching and strengthening programme